The Supply Chain Shift from Cost Center to Profit Driver Data Study

A custom online survey to two audiences including 100 US C-levels, with influence over or oversight of supply chain decisions, with the following qualifying titles: CFO, COO, CSCO, and 100 US supply chain leaders, defined as supply chain, planning and inventory executives, with a minimum seniority of manager, working at discrete manufacturing companies. 

Do you see potential supply chain consequences of tariffs implemented by the new US administration more as a threat or as a growth opportunity for your business?        

C-Level Executives
Supply Chain Leaders
Entirely a threat 9%

Mostly a threat, but some opportunity 26%

Equally a threat and an opportunity 17%

Mostly an opportunity, but some threat    
Entirely an opportunity    

Do you see potential supply chain consequences of tariffs implemented by the new US administration more as a threat or as a growth opportunity for your business?        

Do you see potential supply chain consequences of tariffs implemented by the new US administration more as a threat or as a growth opportunity for your business?        

  C-Level Executives

Supply Chain Leaders

Entirely a threat


Mostly a threat, but some opportunity


Equally a threat and an opportunity


Mostly an opportunity, but some threat



Entirely an opportunity



Is supply chain in your organization seen more as a...

C-Level Executives Supply Chain Leaders
Growth Driver 70% 85%
Cost Center 30% 15%

How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "Leadership is skeptical of the link between supply chain resiliency and business growth." 

C-Level Executives Supply Chain Leaders
Strongly agree 47% 21%
Somewhat agree 38% 73%
Somewhat disagree 5% 5%
Strongly disagree 10% 1%

How often do supply chain leaders at your company struggle to effectively communicate the business value that supply chain creates to company's business leadership? 

C-Level Executives Supply Chain Leaders
All the time 14% 9%
Often 54% 43%
Sometimes 31% 48%
Rarely 1%

In your opinion, what is the best way to bridge any divide between supply chain and the C-Suite?

C-Level Executives Supply Chain Leaders
It’s on supply chain functional leaders to better communicate their value to business leadership 55% 61%
It’s on business leadership to understand the important value of the supply chain function and prioritize their needs 45% 39%

What are the greatest risks of delaying operational innovations in your organization's supply chain? Please select all that apply.

C-Level Executives Supply Chain Leaders
Increased risk of production disruptions or delays 53% 46%
Slower response to market fluctuations 43% 31%
Paying higher costs for inventory 41% 53%
Reputational damage and lost revenue 39% 53%
More challenging to stay in compliance with regulations 37% 50%
Falling behind competitors 30% 32%
None of these 1%

Do you see potential supply chain consequences of tariffs implemented by the new US administration more as a threat or as a growth opportunity for your business?

C-Level Executives Supply Chain Leaders
Entirely a threat 9% 7%
Mostly a threat, but some opportunity 26% 29%
Equally a threat and an opportunity 17% 23%
Mostly an opportunity, but some threat 17% 23%
Entirely an opportunity 31% 18%

Which of these are most likely to happen for your supply chain operational function over the next 12 months? Select all that apply.

C-Level Executives Supply Chain Leaders
Increased visibility with C-Suite leadership 46% 37%
Increase staffing 41% 34%
An increase in investment 38% 37%
Expanding or diversifying supplier base 37% 42%
Adopt new digital tools or platforms 34% 49%
Focus on sustainability initiatives 29% 40%
Rely more on AI 26% 33%
Bring in consultant strategy help 22% 24%
Decrease staffing 16% 10%
None of these

What supply chain challenges keep you up at night? Please select all that apply.

C-Level Executives Supply Chain Leaders
Managing disruptions caused by material shortages or delays 38% 33%
Balancing sustainability goals with operational efficiency 37% 41%
Compliance and regulatory changes such as tariffs or environmental standards 35% 41%
Pressure to reduce costs without compromising delivery performance 33% 37%
Inaccurate or obsolete forecasting 33% 27%
Lack of visibility across sites and supply chain operations 29% 30%
Outdated tools that can’t keep up with inventory management 24% 31%
Poor supplier performance 23% 31%
Recruiting top-tier talent 22% 28%

Methodological Notes:

The LeanDNA Survey was conducted by Wakefield Research  among 100 US c-levels, with influence over or oversight of supply chain decisions, with the following qualifying titles: CFO, COO, CSCO, and also among 100 US supply chain leaders, defined as supply chain, planning and inventory executives, with a minimum seniority of manager, working at discrete manufacturing companies, between February 3rd and February 11th, 2025, using an email invitation and an online survey.